WarwickHelp V2.0 (2017) - 2020

Wait, what's going on?

WarwickHelp has closed! It's past the 3rd July 2023 - the end date for WarwickHelp! WarwickHelp was originally designed to exist for the duration of Spy's time at university and they've now finished their time at university. I'd like to say thanks for the fun time I had helping the Warwick CompSci class of 2019/2020, I hope I made an impact to some of you, despite not actually getting to meet many of you in person.

Why does the styling look terrible?

I couldn't be bothered to style everything again.

But I never cashed in my free CV review!

Welp. Sorry! My free CV review service is now officially closed.

I want to stay in touch!

I'm still lurking in the Warwick CompSci class of 2019/2020, you can ping me @Cursed Java Guy, or send an email to warwickhelp(at)jorel(dot)dev